Comparative assessment of the nutritional contents and sensory evaluation of cheese produced from cow and sheep milk using local coagulants


  • O. O. Adewumi College of Animal Science, Federal University of Abeokuta, Nigeria
  • A. M. Akinloye College of Animal Science, Federal University of Abeokuta, Nigeria



The objectives of this study was to comparatively assess the dry matter, nutritive value and sensory properties of cheese produced from cow and sheep milk using three different local coagulants of plant origin: Calotropis procera leaf extract, Carica papaya leaf extract and lemon fruit juice. The following proximate and mineral compositions were assayed: dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, ash, carbohydrates, magnesium, copper, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium. Relative to that made with Calotropis procera and Carica papaya, cheese made with lemon juice was harder, less cohesive and gave a higher significant value (P <0.05) of dry matter (48.04%-cow milk : 53.22% sheep milk) in both types of milk. The lowest dry matter content was observed in Calotropis procera processed cheese made from cow milk (40.02%). The crude protein (4.22%), ether axtract (60.54%) and ash (6.00%) of Calotropis procera processed cheese made from sheep milk was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than cheese made from cow and sheep milk using Carica papaya and lemon juice. The lemon juice processed cheese made from sheep milk gave a significantly higher value (P< 0.05) of zinc (0.273%) and calcium (1.299%) than the cheese produced by the other two coagulants. Lemon juice processed cheese made from cow milk had the lowest content of crude protein (2.23%) and ether extracts (49.23%). With respect to carbohydrates, cheese made from cow milk using lemon juice had the highest (P < 0.05%) value (41.21%) while it was lowest in Calotropis procera and carica papaya processed cheese made from sheep milk (28.34% and 28.40% respectively). However, ether extract was highest in cheese made from sheep milk using Calotropis procera extract (60.54%) and lowest in cheese made from sheep milk using lemon juice (49.69%). In terms of organoleptic evaluation, cheese processed from cow milk using Calotropis procera scored the highest insignificant (P >0.05) overall acceptability (5.77). This study suggests that sheep milk and Carica papaya leaf extract have the potential to compete favourably well with the commonly used cow milk and Calotropis procera leaf extract.

Author Biographies

O. O. Adewumi, College of Animal Science, Federal University of Abeokuta, Nigeria

Department of Animal Production and Health

A. M. Akinloye, College of Animal Science, Federal University of Abeokuta, Nigeria

Department of Animal Production and Health




How to Cite

Adewumi, O. O. ., & Akinloye, A. M. . (2015). Comparative assessment of the nutritional contents and sensory evaluation of cheese produced from cow and sheep milk using local coagulants. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 42(2), 218–229.




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