Relative Organ Weight of Broiler Chickens Fed Supplementary Inclusion of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) and Garlic (Allium sativum)
Broiler, chicken, ginger, garlicAbstract
An experiment to assess carcass traits and sensory evaluation of broiler chickens raised and processed with ginger and garlic was conducted in the Poultry Unit and Meat science and Technology laboratory of the Department of Animal Science Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State. A total of 60 day old (Anak 2000) broiler chickens were used for the experiment. Fifteen chicks were randomly allotted to each of the four treatment diets with diet 1 being the control and diet 2 contained 2% ginger, diet 3 contained 2% garlic while diet 4 contained 2% ginger and garlic mixture in ratio 1:1 . Each treatment group contained three replicate with five birds per replicate and were assigned to the four treatment diet in a completely randomized design (CRD). The chicks will be fed commercial starter diet for 2 weeks then were also fed commercial diet (with the inclusion of ginger and garlic) for four weeks starter phase period and 4 weeks finisher phase period respectively. The result on the relative organ weight showed that weight of heart, kidney, spleen, lungs and pancreas were highest among birds placed on 2% ginger and garlic mixture and abdominal fat accumulation was significantly lowest among birds fed 2% ginger and garlic mixture and highest in those fed the control. Since the organs are the engine room for the well-being of the poultry birds and other livestock, It is therefore concluded that the inclusion of 2% Ginger and Garlic mixture in poultry ration improves the quality of the Organs of broiler chickens.