Performance, Neck and Cephalic Measurements of Grazing Bunaji Bulls Supplemented Varying Levels of a Crop Residues and Agro Industrial by Products Based Diet


  • A. A. Wuanor University of Agriculture, Makurdi; Department of Animal Production, University of Agriculture, Makurdi
  • J. A. Ayoade University of Agriculture, Makurdi; Department of Animal Production, University of Agriculture, Makurdi
  • D. M. Agishi1 University of Agriculture, Makurdi; Department of Animal Production, University of Agriculture, Makurdi



Crop residues, agro by-products, feed, Bunaji bulls


This study was carried out to assess the effect of feeding varying levels of a crop residue and agro industrial by product based diet on the growth performance, neck and cephalic measurements of Bunaji bulls during the dry season. The crop residues and agro industrial by products included in the diet were: soy bean haulms, rice straw and maize husklage; and brewers dried grain, cassava peels, palm kernel cake and maize offal respectively. A total 16 Bunaji bulls weighing averagely 154.5 Kg were allotted four per treatment with each bull serving as a replicate and fed 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 kg of the diet which corresponded to T1, T2, T3 and T4 for a period of 90 days. Indices measured were body weight gain, water intake, final body weight, neck length, neck circumference, ear length, muzzle circumference, face length and head width. Results obtained showed significant differences (P<0.05) in all parameters measured, except ear length and head width. It was concluded that feeding higher levels of the diet enhanced the performance of the Bunaji bulls and were recommended to feeding to grazing Bunaji bulls during the dry season.

Author Biographies

A. A. Wuanor, University of Agriculture, Makurdi; Department of Animal Production, University of Agriculture, Makurdi

Department of Animal Nutrition

J. A. Ayoade, University of Agriculture, Makurdi; Department of Animal Production, University of Agriculture, Makurdi

Department of Animal Nutrition

D. M. Agishi1, University of Agriculture, Makurdi; Department of Animal Production, University of Agriculture, Makurdi

Department of Animal Nutrition




How to Cite

Wuanor, A. A. ., Ayoade, J. A. ., & Agishi1, D. M. . (2024). Performance, Neck and Cephalic Measurements of Grazing Bunaji Bulls Supplemented Varying Levels of a Crop Residues and Agro Industrial by Products Based Diet. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 703–705.




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