Minerals Composition of Chicken Meat Floss Produced From Broilers Fed Diets of Low Energy Values
Broiler, chicken, meat floss, diets, energy levels, minerals compositionAbstract
This study was designed to investigate the mineralscomposition of floss prepared from broiler chickens fed low energy diets. Three experimental diets comprising three energy levels of 2400 (A); 2600 (B) and 2800 ME Kcal/Kg (C) were formulated and fed to the chickens. The crude protein of the starter and finisher diets were fixed at 24 and 20%, respectively. A total of 270 day old broiler chicks were weighed and randomly allocated to three treatments (A, B and C) of ninety birds per treatment, each treatment having three replications of thirty birds. At the end of eight (8) weeks, three (3) birds were randomly taken from each replication which was used for the preparation of meat floss.Triplicate samples of the raw and chicken meat floss were analysed for Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg), Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K). Significantly different means were separated using LSD at 5% level of probability. The results showed that raw meat of poultry broiler fed diet containing 2800 ME Kcal/Kg had the highest values of Ca (50.72 mg/Kg), Na (48.02 mg/Kg), and K (80.96 mg/Kg). Ca, Mg and K recorded significant difference (p<0.05) between treatments. Mineral composition of floss from chicken fed diet containing 2800 ME Kcal/Kg had the highest values of Na (48.69 mg/Kg) and K (78.81 mg/Kg). Ca, Mg and Na recorded significant difference (p<0.05) between treatments. It was concluded that the raw meat and floss of poultry broilers fed diets containing 2800 ME Kcal/Kg had highest values of Na and K.