Apparent Nutrient Digestibility Coefficient of Solid State Fermented Plam Kernel Sludge Fed to Clarias gariepinus
negative digestibility coefficient, Aspergillus, palm kernel sludge, catfishAbstract
This study assessed apparent digestibility coefficient for Dry Matter (DM) Crude Protein (CP), Crude Fibre (CF) and energy of solid state fermented Palm Kernel Sludge(PKS) in diets of Clarias gariepinus juveniles for 56 days.Experimental diets were composed of 70% reference diet and 30% test ingredient with chromic oxide as marker. Test ingredients were Aspergilluscandidus fermented PKS (AcfPKS), Aspergillusflavus fermented PKS(AffPKS), Aspergillusniger fermented PKS(AnfPKS), Rhizopusmicrospororus fermented PKS (RmfPKS), Trichodermaharzianum fermented PKS (ThfPKS), Aspergillusbrasiliensis fermented PKS(AbfPKS), Phythium sp. fermented PKS (PsfPKS) and Cunnighamela sp. fermented PKS (CsfPKS).It was observed that AcfPKShad the highest digestibility coefficients in terms of DM (93.79±4.06%), CP (94.37±1.84%), CF(97.42±1.39%), oil (89.09±1.16%), ash (83.10±83.10%), nitrogen free extract (NFE) (102.25±6.98%) and Gross energy (93.11±3.67%), this was followed by PsfPKS> AbfPKS> AnfPKS, >AffPKS and ThfPKS.Negative digestibility coefficients were observed in CsfPKS and RmfPKS for ash (-13.71±24.32%, - 4.20±14.26%) and NFE (-5.71±10.30%, -18.36±27.54%) respectively. The study reports