Quality Characteristics and Chemical Composition of Ensiled Maize Stover with or without Additives


  • A. J. Amuda Federal University, Wukari
  • D .O. Okunlola LAUTECH, Ogbomoso
  • O. J. Babayemi University of Ibadan




quality, chemical composition, additive, maize stover, silage


This study was carried out to determine the effect of additives on quality characteristics and chemical composition of ensiled maize stover. The maize stovers were ensiled with three energy additives (molasses, honey and sugar) in four treatments as A (maize stover only) control, B (maize stover + molasses), C (maize stover + honey) and D (maize stover + sugar) for 15 days. Quality characteristics and chemical composition were determined. The silage was characterized by greenish-yellow colour, fruity and pleasant odour, firm texture. The silage pH and temperature (0C) ranged from 3.44 - 3.52 and 26.20 - 26.400C.The fibre fractions: neutral detergent fibre, (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), Hemicellulose and Cellulose were similar across the treatments. CP (Crude protein) was similar among the treatments except for silage with sugar that was significantly different from fresh maize stover. Ether extract (EE) was similar across the silages and fresh maize stover while crude fibre (CF) was also similar except for treatment B which was significantly lower than treatments A, C and D. Similarly, ash, organic matter (OM) and carbohydrate (CHO) composition are similar among the silages. NFE (Nitrogen Free Extract) was similar among treatments A, C and D, except for treatment B. The findings of this study indicate that the ensiled maize stover without additive (control) has similar quality characteristics with those ensiled with additives. Therefore, it was concluded that maize stover was able to preserve well without additive.

Author Biographies

A. J. Amuda, Federal University, Wukari

Department of Animal Production and Health, 

D .O. Okunlola, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso

Department of Animal Production and Health, 

O. J. Babayemi, University of Ibadan

Department of Animal Science, 




How to Cite

Amuda, A. J. ., Okunlola, D. .O. ., & Babayemi, O. J. . (2024). Quality Characteristics and Chemical Composition of Ensiled Maize Stover with or without Additives . Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 1243–1246. https://doi.org/10.51791/njap.vi.6321


