Embryo Developmental Stages in Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Eggs Incubated at 38OC
Quail embryo metamorphosis, incubation periodAbstract
A total of twenty seven Japanese quail eggs were incubated at 38oC and were used in monitoring daily egg weight loss as well as gradual embryo metamorphosis into chick. It was observed that the egg weight value before incubation, varied from 8.73 - 12.29g and during incubation between 7.92 and 12.1g, resulting in egg weight loss ranging from 0.09 - 2.55g. Meanwhile, the embryo weight was apparently independent of initial egg weight. Growth on the yolk surface, formation of blood vessels, heart, eye ball and embryo structure were observed on days 1 to 4. Increase in embryo size was evident on day 6 and plumage strips appeared on day 13. On days 14 to 17, the embryo appeared fully grown with the yolk almost used up and the unabsorbed portion gradually withdrawn into the body and on day 18, chicks pipped and emerged. These observations may be useful in providing the required information in in ovo study, egg fertility test and quail embryo anatomical study.