Blood Profile and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Finishers Fed Exogenous Enzyme Feather Meal Based Diets


  • Okafor O. L. University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Umuagwo, Imo-state
  • Lumanze N. B. University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Umuagwo, Imo-state
  • Ekenyem B. U. Imo-state University, Owerri
  • Madubuike F. N. Imo-state University, Owerri



blood profile, broiler finisher, carcass quality, fish meal, enzyme fortified feather meal


The need for animal protein consumption cannot be over-emphasized. Unfortunately, the cost of poultry production is on increase as a result of high cost of feed production, hence the need for search to alternative but cost-effective ingredients.  The experiment was conducted to assess the blood profile and carcass characteristics of broiler finishers fed enzyme fortified feather meal for fish meal replacement. One hundred and fifty 4-weeks old chicks were randomly assigned to five treatment groups in a completely randomized design. Each treatment was replicated three times. Treatment 1 contained 0% enzyme fortified feather meal, while treatment 2, 3, 4, and 5 contained 1, 2, 3, and 4% levels of enzyme fortified feather meal, respectively. Each level of enzyme fortified feather meal was used to partially replace fish meal in the experimental diets, while treatment effects were assessed over the experimental period. At 10th week of feeding trial, blood samples were collected from three (3) birds from each replicate for blood profile analysis, and later slaughtered for carcass quality. Results obtained showed no significant difference (P>0.05) in the dressed weight and dressed percentages, while most of the cut parts, breast, thigh, shank and wing expressed in percentage of dressed weight differed significantly (P<0.05). Hematological index analysis (HB, PCV, RBC, MCV, ESR, MCH) differed significantly (P<0.05) and were improved in the enzyme fortified feather meal fed broilers, while MCHC did not differ significantly (P>0.05). Most WBC differentials, heterophil, lymphocytes, differed significantly (P<0.05). Monocytes and eosinophil were similar, while basophil showed no trace within treatment means. The values of the serum biochemistry were mostly similar (P>0.05) except for the globulin and cholesterol which significantly increased with increasing inclusion of enzyme fortified feather meal.





Le besoin de consommation de protéines animales ne peut être surestimé. Malheureusement, le coût de la production avicole augmente en raison du coût élevé de la production d'aliments, d'où la nécessité de rechercher des ingrédients alternatifs mais rentables. L'expérience a été menée pour évaluer le profil sanguin et les caractéristiques de la carcasse des terminaux de poulet à griller nourris avec de la farine de plumes enrichie en enzymes comme remplacement de la farine de poisson. Cent cinquante poussins de 4 semaines ont été assignés au hasard à cinq groupes de traitement dans un design complètement randomisé. Chaque traitement a été répété trois fois. Le traitement 1 contenait 0 % de farine de plumes enrichie en enzymes, tandis que les traitements 2, 3, 4 et 5 contenaient respectivement 1, 2, 3 et 4 % de farine de plumes enrichie en enzymes. Chaque niveau de farine de plumes enrichie en enzymes a été utilisé pour remplacer partiellement la farine de poisson dans les diètes expérimentales, tandis que les effets des traitements ont été évalués pendant la période expérimentale. À la 10e semaine de l'essai d'alimentation, des échantillons de sang ont été prélevés sur trois oiseaux de chaque

Author Biographies

Okafor O. L. , University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Umuagwo, Imo-state

Department of Animal Science, University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Umuagwo, Imo-state

Lumanze N. B. , University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Umuagwo, Imo-state

Department of Animal Science and Fisheries, Imo-state University, Owerri

Ekenyem B. U. , Imo-state University, Owerri

Department of Animal Science and Fisheries, Imo-state University, Owerri

Madubuike F. N. , Imo-state University, Owerri

Department of Animal Science and Fisheries, Imo-state University, Owerri




How to Cite

O. L. , O., N. B. , L., B. U. , E., & F. N. , M. (2025). Blood Profile and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Finishers Fed Exogenous Enzyme Feather Meal Based Diets. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 51(2), 59–67.

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